Acts 20:29-30 “…after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.”
- Who were the “…wolves…” that entered The Lord’s churches in the past?
- Are there “…wolves…” in some Baptist churches today?
- Who are the “…disciples…” of those “…wolves…”?
I John 4:1 “…try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
The only way to “…try the spirits…” of “…wolves…” is to test their words with the right questions?
- What’s the difference between “…unfeigned faith…” and “…feigned words…”?
- Do you know the origin of Dispensationalism?
- Why do Dispensationalists proclaim as many as five different gospels, when the Scripture speaks of “…the faith…” and “…one faith…”?
- Do you believe the ‘textus receptus’ has “minor inaccuracies” as Scofield states in section XI of the introduction to the first edition of the Scofield Bible published in 1909?
- Does your idea of the old-time religion begin with Mr. Scofield?
- Did you know, that Scofield wrote that his “edition of the Bible” was better than all other editions of God’s Word, of which he wrote, “left much to be desired”?
- How many times do Scofield’s notes have tell you to correct, change, omit, and add to Scripture, before you agree with God and “…mark…” him as a wolf, a heretic, and a blasphemer?
- Did you know Mr. Scofield was not a Baptist?
- Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ; or are you a disciple of C.I Scofield?” It is a Scriptural impossibility to be both!
- Will you be one found guilty of repeating the tory of the “…wolves…” of Protestant Dispensationalism?