Many who have trusted and asked Jesus to be their Saviour are often discouraged with their struggle against sins. At times, this fleshly dilemma has even caused some to doubt if they are really on their way to heaven. But all who profess to have by faith, trusted Jesus to save them from hell, can gain great help in this battle over self. Whether you are newly saved, or, one who has been saved for many years, when the understanding about having two distinctly different natures living inside is realized, more victory over sin can be known!
In the words of Colossians 3:3-5, while we are awaiting to see Jesus, God commands us to “Mortify…” our “…members which are upon the earth…” He is speaking to saved people in reference to things we are not to do with our bodies and souls. That word “Mortify…” brings to mind thoughts about what a Mortician does in the case of a dead body. A Mortician does their best to make a dead person look as presentable as possible to those who will view it, until it is placed into the earth. This is exactly what we who are saved are to do concerning our old dead selves. We are to make this dead man, in which we now live, to look good!
We who are “…born again…” are truly living with a dead man. Paul the Apostle wrote of this when he cried out in Romans 7:24, “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? Until our old body of flesh is in a grave, or Jesus changes “…our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body…” (Philippians 3:21) at the sound of “…the trump of God…,”(I Thessalonians 4:16) we can learn how to live with a dead man!
Dr. T.S. Luchon
Pastor of the Hilltop Baptist Church,
Hunker, Pennsylvania