Removing The Vail Of Replacement Theology


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Back in Isaiah 14:14, Lucifer pridefully proclaimed that he would set himself to “…be like the most High…” Satan did not announce plans to be 180 degrees out of step with God. Since that declaration, the devil has invented many things which are “…like…” the things of “…the most High…” But he has kept them vailed with just enough obscurity, so that they seem to be just “…like…” the things of God.

But something that is “…like…” an original thing is not that same thing. And if something replaces an original thing; it is only a replacement at best.

In I Timothy 4:1, The Holy Ghost had Paul to write, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall de- part from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doc- trines of devils…” To  bring about that departure from “…the faith…” the deceiver began to replace the “…doctrine…” (Mat- thew 7:7) “…which was once delivered…” (Jude 3) by God, with “…doctrines…” which were “…like…” the things of God.

Could the vail of Replacement Theology be obscuring your view of the truth of God?

Dr. T.S. Luchon