
The Dispensation Of The Fullness Of Times


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The subject of this book is centered around one of God’s English words; to show what happens when “…man’s wisdom…,” specifically Protestant, attempts to “…add…”on to a single “…spiritual…” word.

I have endeavored to strike a balance between taking a strong doctrinal stand for the purity of the word “…dispensation…” as God has used it in His BOOK; while asking The Holy Spirit to allow this work to be a help to some who are uncertain, or, who may not be fully aware of the deceit found in the Protestant based teachings associated with Dispensationalism.

In defining a part of His “…doctrine…” of how God has dispersed time to man; He has not written the words dispensations, or Dispensationalism in His Book. To some; the differences between those two newer words, and the eternal, inspired word “…dispensation…,” may be simply passed off as verbal or literary semantics. Others may be honestly searching to understand this subject. But in any case; this book will cause those who read it, to consider what The LORD thinks about those additions to His word “…dispensation…”

How do those 6 letters of the alphabet affect “…the faith which was once delivered…” by The “…Alpha and Omega…”? What does The Living WORD Who “…is not the author of confusion think about them? Do they affect what “…the author of eternal salvation… wrote about His only way to be saved? What does “… the author and finisher of our faith say about what those illegitimate words have caused, among Independent Baptists?

Is your “…doctrine…” on the solid foundation of “…the dispensation of the fulness of times…”? Or is it on the shifting sands of the “…doctrines…” of Protestant Dispensationalism?

Dr. T.S. Luchon


Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.5 in